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July 21, 2007

INTERNET DATING??? Very nice to CYBER meet you....

It's,, Yahoo personals and AOL chat rooms: The new way to fall in love, find a hookup or just a new obsession. It is internet dating that is sweeping the nation's singles, married swingers, perverts and recluses. It's the perfect no-harm-no-foul way of getting around a fear of talking to the opposite sex.
Some are looking for love, and others seek friendships or maybe just a cyber "one-night stand." Sometimes it works. Sometimes the swingers find other couples to swing with. Sometimes single people find a spark through electronic personals. Where bars or parties were once the only acceptable way to meet new people, now comes E-dating.

But…….it can be a nightmare.
Rarely does online chemistry transfer to old-fashioned love. In all fairness, any dating, off-line or on, can prove risky or disappointing. And it's easy to laugh at the trials of people trying to connect with one another, after all, the Internet is really just a virtual reflection of the influences and desires we human beings experience in our socially constructed realities, including the intense pressure to couple, and to find our "one true love". See we are raised to believe we must find that one special person who will satisfy all our desires for love, sex and intimacy. When we don't, we are driven to work and consume even harder, similar to the donkey chasing the carrot on the stick. It's a set-up for failure, turning us into a nation of workaholics obsessed with sex, love and body image. Think about how many times you've stayed late at the office or chowed down a bag of potato chips or a carton of ice cream when you didn't have something better waiting for you at home. Ouch! And this is when last extreme measure is taking us to the internet due to lack of time or facility to meet people out in bars.
The rise of Internet dating naturally has produced the rise of Internet anti-dating -- Web sites for women to grill their ex- So after meeting somebody online you can verify that he is not listed at this site is getting 580,000 hits a day!!! Women can post messages and photos of former boyfriends and husbands, warning the world of their poor behavior. Nothing is held back -- addresses, sexual performance and criminal records, often with photo.

And for extra internet dating tips
  • Decide first on want you want from online dating sites: marriage, long-term partner, quick fling, friends, and some fun?

  • Decide if a particular site is within your budget – don't be fooled by 'Join for a buck for trhee days!'. Believe me, you can't find much in three days! if you can afford it I would recommend to join at least two internet dating sites, because, that way you're more likely to meet more people and as a consequence achieve your goals quicker.

  • Before meeting some one, tell your friends and relatives of your intentions, and tell them where you are going and with who. Make sure that one of them gives you a call to check on you (tell them to freak out if you don't answer- just kiddin')

  • I'm sure you are aware: never give out any personal information whatsoever until you are completely satisfied the person you are in contact with is trustworthy; this meaning NEVER, EVER give out your phone number too quickly (remember now they can get your exact address just by entering your phone number in the internet). So if you want to call him activate your Caller ID Blocking feature so that your telephone number is blocked by the phone company and your phone number is "private". At least until you are comfortable and trust the voice on the other side

  • Pictures... If you're going to put your picture on the internet, you have NO reason to believe it's going to stay where you put it. In fact, anybody can right click on an image and take it from a web site. Once you put it up, you have NO idea where it's going

  • NO Bragging! Yeah, it's competitive and we think we need all the points we can get.. so we brag about ourselves right? WRONG!! You're sending an open invitation to those who would defraud you, if you tell them you own a house or two, a few cars, a great job, whatever, you're practically rolling out the red carpet for jerks to crawl outta the woodwork to hit on you! Make no mistake, lots of guys are pretty, jerks fall into all categories. Limit how much information you give out!

Above all – HAVE FUN!
YOU are welcome to share your online dating experience by posting it in comments! Thank you

Source: internet Dating Guide- post- Gazette and asian week

July 13, 2007

UNDERSTANDING MEN'S SIGNALS,when they don't want a Relationship and we do......

You’ve got to learn to understand and identify "EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE" men.
“If a man doesn't know what he wants, he generally doesn't want what he's got."

Sorry to be harsh but it’s true. A man who is the right person and wants to be with you will find his own way to his "Emotional Truth". But if the truth is that he wants to be with you, or not be with you, you have to respect that. But I see women do it all the time. The guy will be sending signs that he's not "available" or interested in something "serious", but the woman ignores them and just pays attention to the fact that he likes being with her when they're together (which means only when they are together, get it?) In other words, she substitutes the physical connection, or even the occasional emotional connection, for the real relationship SHE wants to be in. SO WRONG!
Men have a different "love equation" from women: A strong connection does NOT necessarily equal any interest in a relationship. That's why it's CRITICAL that women learn to read the signals that a man sends about where he's at. When a guy isn't interested in a relationship, and he's seeing other women, here's what most women start doing that makes things go from bad to worse... They start trying to "fix" the guy. And then comes the "convincing" behavior and that because they have such a great connection, a loving "relationship" is the only right way to go.

Women can't understand: Why would a man have a great woman and a great connection with her that felt amazing when they were together, and not want a relationship?

Don’t become a "man-repellent": You can't convince a man to want to be with you. I don't mean that he can't share feelings or some level of intimacy with you.... In fact, I'm sure he still likes to connect with you when things are easy-going and he's not feeling "pressure" around you. But HIM sharing his feelings with you can confuse you into thinking that he is ready for a long term relationship.
AGAIN let me say this: “ Here's what he's saying: Yes, I have "feelings" for you. And no... that doesn't mean I want to be in arelationship with you."

If you're honest about it with yourself, and you put more value on his actions than his words you’ll wisely stop wasting your time, thoughts and feelings....and finally understand that you are both going in different life directions....

If there's just ONE PIECE OF ADVICE that holds more power for women than any other when it comes to men, it's this concept of only dating emotionally available men.

Source:C. Carter e-book

July 10, 2007

3 Deadly Mistakes Women Make With Men
Mistake #1: Leading A Man To Think You Are "Needy" And "Insecure"
Did you know that there are 6 ways you can set off a man's "Insecurity Alert" and make him think twice about pursuing a relationship with you?
Sadly, even confident women often "accidentally" give off one of these signs... and just one can kill the chance of a man asking you on a second date.
As you read through these signals men pick up on as "needy" and unattractive, ask yourself if YOU have ever been guilty of committing one of these deadly mistakes:
Talking or saying nasty things about your past boyfriends. Saying bad things about men you have been involved with actually reflects the negatively back on YOU. It makes a man worry you are carrying around "baggage" that HE will have to deal with should he become involved with you.
Speaking negatively about other women. When women call other women names like "slut", "bitch", and "crazy", it is anything but impressive to a man you are attracted you. Women will often do this when they see a good looking, desirable woman, especially if they feel their man might be attracted to her. This just makes a man think you are trying to cover up your own insecurities, and looking for validation and attention. Not good.
Too much physical contact, especially in public.If you are constantly hanging on a man or touching him too much he'll start to see it as clingy behavior... but you'll never hear about this from him. It's far better to save your touches for short and infrequent moments that will surprise and enchant him.
The next 3 are far deadlier, but less obvious... and it's important that you learn what they are and how to avoid giving them off.
But before I show you how to do that, let's talk about mistake #2:
Mistake #2: Appealing To His "Sexual" Side Instead Of His Emotional Side
Many women make the mistake of thinking that men are primarily driven by sex alone... and think if they can attract a man SEXUALLY they will be able to attract him EMOTIONALLY as well.
Women too often give up sex to a man in the hopes that it will translate into a relationship and get them what they want. In reality, a man has the capacity to view a sexual connection and an emotional connection as two entirely different things, and it requires a special set of skills to mold these two things together in a man's mind... and keep them connected.
Men are out for far more than just sex... and a woman who knows how to fulfill a man EMOTIONALLY and SEXUALLY will be the woman who captures a man's heart... and gets that same fulfillment for HERSELF. In a moment, I'll show you how you can learn to do just that...
Mistake #3: Not Knowing How To Size Up A Man's "Relationship Potential"
A lot of women will decide whether or not they should put energy into building a relationship with a man based on ATTRACTION.
Yes, attraction is important. But it can also be DANGEROUS.
When we feel a strong sense of attraction for someone, it can cause us to override our logic and ignore our instincts... leading us to overlook potential partner's deadly faults that could spell trouble down the road.
If you've ever found yourself stuck in a relationship that is dragging you down, this is probably why.
It's important to be able to size a guy up and spot any "warning signs" of a future bad relationship FAST... so you don't waste any of your time or emotional energy on someone who isn't right for you... or who will leave you heartbroken. Fortunately this is a fairly easy thing to do, and I'd like to show you how... Go to How to find, attract and keep the man you've always wanted BLOG